A product by Wise Life
Our Verdict:
Review: What does Wise Life’s LipoXplex claim to do?
In this review we look closer at the fat burner LipoXplex to see if it’s really as good as its marketing makes out.
Claimed to promote:
- Increased Fat Burning
- Better Sleep
- But does it really?
We’ve looked closely at the ingredients, servings and science behind this fat burner and we were surprised by what we found. Take a look:
Are the servings good?
They are.
With 3 a day, this fat burner gives you a constant supply of the nutrients you need to keep burning fat (if the ingredients were good).
Unfortunately the ingredient profile in LipoXplex isn’t good enough to help it out.
There are plenty out there that have good ingredients and good servings to get you to your best shape. To see what those are tap the button below:
And the ingredients of Wise Life’s LipoXplex?
Very poor.
With only 2 active ingredients that both don’t have any proof for their effectiveness, this is a very poor fat burner indeed.
It misses so many core nutrients, that could actually help you cut fat, instead it goes for the cheapest option.
Take a look:
Hydroxycitric Acid
Claimed to suppress appetite.
Also known as one of the main elements in Garcinia Cambogia, which has been seen time and time again to not work for appetite suppression.
Although good for seasoning food, there has been no evidence for this nutrient to block appetite or control cravings in humans. There is minor evidence in rats.
The main fruit part of Garcinia Cambogia. Again, like the Hydroxycritic Acid before it, this nutrient was thought to promote appetite suppression.
No studies have ever proven this to the case.
On the whole, this is a pretty sparse nutrient profile.
There are no core fat burning ingredients that promote thermogenesis, no are there any energy boosters or effective appetite suppressants.
Green Tea, Green Coffee Bean, Cayenne Pepper and Caffeine all would’ve worked well here. Sadly none of these are in Wise Life’s LipoXplex.
As you can see, it’s not the best. To see what you should be looking for in a fat burner, check out our top rated ingredients below:
The Best Fat Burner Ingredients
Are there any side effects, is it safe?
This product is made in the USA IN GMP approved facilities.
No side effects have been reported.
The Pros and Cons
- Good daily servings
- No effective ingredients
- Missing core fat burning nutrients
- Does not promote fat loss
Is there anything better out there?
Indeed there is.
We’ve looked all over the net for the fat burners that give the best results. Making sure they:
- Burn extra calories
- Boost energy levels
- Suppress appetite
And we’re satisfied with what we’ve found.
To see what made our fat burner shortlist, tap the button below for more details:
Wise Life LipoXplex Review Conclusion
Overall LipoXplex is one of the worst, and laziest fat burners we’ve come across.
It just contains Garcinia Cambogia extracts and nothing else.
Here’s what you need to know:
- Ineffective Ingredients – No nutrients in this fat burner proven to help suppress appetite (it’s only function)
- Missing Core Nutrients – No thermogenics or energy boosters
- Doesn’t promote fat loss – Doesn’t contain any fat burning nutrients
It’s a pretty poor show, and you can do much better.
To see what’s currently our number 1, and what we recommend as the safest and most effective fat burner on the market, check below for our review on the best option out there:
Instant Knockout is by far the best fat burner we've seen on the market.
It is the top choice for:
- Burning Fat
- Increasing Energy
- Appetite Control
- Having that sculpted body
If you want to burn fat fast you need to read our review.