A product by DVK Medicals
Our Verdict:
Review: What does Weight Loss Revolution do?
A product from DVK Medicals, Weight Loss Revolution is a fat burner claimed to:
- Promote Weight Loss
- Burn and shrink fat
- Contain Antioxidants
But how well does it work really?
In this review, we’ve taken a close look at Weight Loss Revolution, and we’ve been surprised by what we’ve found. If you’re thinking about using this supplement, this is the review you need to read.
Are the servings good?
They could be better.
There’s only 2 a day in Weight Loss Revolution, this does not bode well for those looking to lose fat quickly.
For the best results you want a fat burner that keeps your body using up calories all the way through the day, and the best ones that do this have 3 – 4 servings. It gives your body a regular top-up of what it needs to keep leaning you out.
If you want to see the best fat burners on the market that have these servings, and the best ingredients, check out our top 3 page by clicking the button below:
And the Ingredients in Weight Loss Revolution?
There are some good ingredients in here, but also some bad.
The main problem with this nutrient profile is that it’s very limited. With only 5 ingredients, you know you’re not going to get that all-over fat burning effect.
Take a look:
What’s Good?
- Green Coffee Bean – The chlorogenic acid cuts down glucose in the liver, and makes your body burn fat instead
- Caffeine – A solid stimulant that promotes energy, metabolism and overall power output
- Green Tea – The catechins in the tea help your body release norepinephrine, the fat burning hormone. It’s a great thermogenic
What’s Not?
- Garcinia Cambogia – Thought to promote appetite suppression, unfortunately studies have proven otherwise. It may help season food, but it will control your cravings
- Raspberry Ketones – Again, another nutrient thought to work that doesn’t actually deliver. Raspberry Ketones have only helped weight loss in studies on rats, every human study has been a failure
On the whole there are some good ingredients here, there’s just not enough.
More thermogenics would’ve helped, something like cayenne pepper. And an appetite suppressant would really make a difference too, Glucomannan would be a good example.
The problem is that nearly half this product is made up of ineffective ingredients.
There are far better options out there, with fuller more effective nutrient profiles.

If you’re in the market for a fat burner, read our ingredients guide below to learn what you should be looking for in your supplement:
The Best Fat Burner Ingredients
Is it Safe, are there Side Effects?
There have been no side effects reported with Weight Loss Revolution.
The Pros and Cons
- Contains Green Tea and Green Coffee Bean
- Servings could be improved
- No appetite suppressants
- Limited Nutrient Profile
Is there anything better out there?
Indeed there is.
We’ve looked all over the market to find the fat burners that best promote:
- Calorie Burning
- Energy Boosting
- Appetite Suppression
And now we finally have our answer.
To see what made our shortlist, and what you should definitely be using to cut weight or lose fat, check out our top 3 rated fat burners in the link below:
Weight Loss Revolution Review Conclusion
On the whole this is an okay fat burner, but it isn’t the best here.
If you’re interested in using Weight Loss Revolution, this is what you need to know from this review:
- Servings need improving – With only 2 a day, there’s only so much benefit you can get out of this product
- No appetite suppressants – There’s nothing to help your cravings with this product
- Limited Nutrient Profile – Not enough thermogenics, energy boosters or appetite suppressants
As you can see, this isn’t the best fat burner you should be using.
To see what our readers have had the most success with, check out the review of our current #1 Fat Burner, it’s by far the safest and most effective we’ve come across:
Instant Knockout is by far the best fat burner we've seen on the market.
It is the top choice for:
- Burning Fat
- Increasing Energy
- Appetite Control
- Having that sculpted body
If you want to burn fat fast you need to read our review.