A product by Trace Organics
Our Verdict:
Review: What does Trace Organics Pure Forskolin do?
Made by Trace Organics, this fat burner is literally just coleus forskohlii, and named Pure Forskolin.
Claimed to promote:
- Fat Loss
- Appetite Suppression
- No stimulants
But does it really?
Before this review, we already knew about the effects of Coleus Forskohlii – and we were surprised by what we found with Pure Forskolin.
This is what you need to know.
Are the servings good?
Unfortunately, no.
With only one serving a day, your body isn’t constantly supplied with the nutrients it needs to keep burning fat. The most you’ll get is a minor effect and then nothing after a few hours.
Ideally, what you want is a fat burner that gives your body a constant supply of the nutrients it needs.
3 to 4 servings in a fat burner is what you should be looking, we’ve made a list of the supplements that do this the best, you can check them out by hitting the button below:
And the ingredients in Trace Organics Pure Forskolin?
Wouldn’t you know it, they’re limited.
There’s only Forskolin in this product, but here’s everything you need to know about it:
About Forskolin (Coleus Forskohlii)
From what we know, although Forskohlii has been seen to help with fat loss. It’s effects are minor.
There’s only one study on fat mass and forskohlii[1] in which it was supplemented with no other fat burning nutrients.
This involved two groups of women, one taking Coleus Forskohlii in 250mg doses twice a day for 12 weeks, and the other placebo, the coleus group believed they had less fatigue, hunger and overall fullness.
Sounds good right?
Well, although, this how they felt, their results did not reflect this. In fact, both groups showed to have their fat mass to have no significant difference over the 12 weeks.
In terms of weight loss, a similar study[2] was carried out with men, which brought about no changes in their overall weight.
[1] Henderson S, Magu B, Rasmussen C, et al. Effects of Coleus Forskohlii Supplementation on Body Composition and Hematological Profiles in Mildly Overweight Women. Journal of the International Society of Sports Nutrition. 2005;2(2):54-62. doi:10.1186/1550-2783-2-2-54.
[2] Godard M.P., Johnson B.A., Richmond S.R. Body composition and hormonal adaptations associated with forskolin consumption in overweight and obese men. Obes Res. 2005;13:1335–1343.

On the whole, Trace Organics Pure Forskolin is missing many of the core nutrients you need to effectively burn fat.
You need a good range of thermogenics like green tea, green coffee bean and cayenne pepper. Then you can follow it up with some energy boosters like caffeine and L-Carnitne, and finally make it perfect with appetite suppressants like Glucomannan.
None of which that you will find in this blend.
If you want to know more about what you should be looking for in a fat burner, check out our top rated ingredients in the link below:
The Best Fat Burner Ingredients
Is it safe, are there side effects?
None have been reported with this product, and Trace Organics make all their products in a cGMP approved facility, so there’s no risk of any bad elements getting in.
It just has a very poor nutrient profile and serving regimen.
The Pros and Cons
- No side effects
- No effective ingredients
- Poor Servings
- Missing Core Fat Burning Nutrients
Is there anything better out there?
There definitely is.
We checked out the fat burning market to find you the best supplements that promote:
- Calorie Burning
- Energy Boosting
- Appetite Suppression
And we’ve got it down to just 3 products. These are the best in the business for getting you in the greatest shape of your life.
To see our shortlist and find the fat burners that will work best for you, hit the button below to see what we recommend:
Trace Organics Pure Forskolin Review Conclusion
Overall, this is not the best fat burner we’ve seen on the market. Not by a long shot.
If you’re thinking of using this product. This is what you need to know:
- No effective ingredients – Contains only Coleus Forskohlii which has been to fail at promoting fat loss
- Poor servings – With only one a day, you’re body isn’t getting enough for the full benefits (not that there’s any to be had here)
- Missing Core Nutrients – Missing multiple key fat burning nutrients that are needed for an effective results
It’s not a good product, and you shouldn’t buy it.
If you want to see what you should be looking for, and what we recommend as the #1 Fat Burner for women on the market at the moment. Take a look at our #1 spot fat burner below:
Instant Knockout is by far the best fat burner we've seen on the market.
It is the top choice for:
- Burning Fat
- Increasing Energy
- Appetite Control
- Having that sculpted body
If you want to burn fat fast you need to read our review.