Speedy Slim Review

A product by Lauren Naturals

Our Verdict:1star

Review: What does Speedy Slim do?

speedy-slim-reviewA product by Lauren Naturals, in this review we look closely at the fat burner Speedy Slim. Claimed to promote:

  • Weight Loss
  • Metabolism
  • Energy Levels

But does it really?

We’ve looked very closely at this fat burner and what it has to offer, and we were surprised with what we found in this review.

If you’re considering Speedy Slim to reach your goals, this is what you need to know:

Are the servings good?

Speedy Slim has room for improvement.

With only 2 servings a day, Speedy Slim needs to up it’s serving dosage to make sure it gives you that ’round-the-clock’ fat burning effect.

For fast results, and constant fat burning, you need a product with around 3 – 4 servings. This keeps your body constantly supplied with the nutrients it needs to keep cutting calories and getting you closer to that ideal toned figure.

You can see the fat burners that have these servings, and have the best ingredients over on our top 3 page by hitting the button below:

Our Most Trusted Fat Burners

And the Ingredients in Speedy Slim?


Containing only 1 ingredient: Garcinia Cambogia, you are not going to see any effect taking this apart from in your bank balance.

Take a look at our take:

About Garcinia Cambogia

Word has been out for a while about Garcinia Cambogia’s effectiveness in fat burning, but some companies keep trying to sell it to uninformed consumers for some quick cash.

Speedy Slim appears to be no different.

Garcinia Cambogia was originally thought to be an effective appetite suppressant, it was endorsed by Dr Oz and the market for it went through the roof.

Unfortunately, it’s actually quite a poor performer.

Studies have shown that supplementing GC doesn’t promote appetite suppression at all. In fact it does very little to the body whatsoever.

The only thing notable thing that has been recorded about this nutrient is its flavor, and that it might be effective as a seasoning for meals.

As for a fat burner though it has no real effects.

Our View

You don’t need us to tell you how ineffective this fat burner is. There’s so much missing from it.

What Speedy Slim needs is a strong nutrient profile of thermogenics, energy boosters and appetite suppressants – none of which are available here.

It’s an absolute scandal of a supplement.


If you want to know what you should be looking for if you want a complete nutrient profile for your fat burner, hit the button below to see the top ingredients:

The Best Fat Burner Ingredients

Is it Safe, are there Side Effects?

There have been no side effects reported with Speedy Slim.

The Pros and Cons

  • No Side Effects

  • Contains only 1 ingredient – and it’s ineffective
  • Servings could be improved
  • No thermogenics, energy boosters or appetite suppressants

Is there anything better out there?

There’s a lot better out there.

We’ve checked the market and all the major supplement website to find the fat burners that best promote:

  • Calorie Burning
  • Energy Boosting
  • Appetite Suppression

And we’re satisfied with our results.

To learn more about what fat burner will work best for you, click the button below to be taken to our top 3 page:

Our Most Trusted Fat Burners

Speedy Slim Review Conclusion

It’s pretty obvious what we’re going to say about Speedy Slim and its single ingredient.

This is by far one of the least effective fat burners we’ve come across, and here’s why:

  • Only contains one ingredient – It’s Garcinia Cambogia and it’s totally ineffective with no clinical backing
  • Servings could be improved – For the best results you need around 3 – 4 servings for the best effects
  • Poor Nutrient Profile – Contains no thermogenics, energy boosters or appetite suppressants

There are definitely better options out there.

Find out what our readers have voted as their top rated fat burner on this website. You can see what they’ve had the best results with in our number #1 reviewed fat burner below:

Our Readers' Most Trusted Fat Burner - Instant Knockout

Instant Knockout is by far the best fat burner we've seen on the market.

It is the top choice for:

- Burning Fat
- Increasing Energy
- Appetite Control
- Having that sculpted body

If you want to burn fat fast you need to read our review.

- Read our Review -

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