A product by Young You
Our Verdict
Review: What does Young You’s One XS Weight Loss do?
Created by Young You, One XS is a weight loss fat burner on the market claimed to:
- Burn Fat
- Increase Energy
- Suppress Appetite
But how well does it really work?
In this review we’ve taken a close look at the ingredients in this product to see if it really is up to industry standards.
This is what we found:
Are the servings good?
Not great.
With only 1 a day, there’s only so much benefit you can get from a product like One XS.
If you really want to burn fat, you need to give your body a constant supply of the good stuff for round the clock fat loss.
Ideally you want something with 3 – 4 servings. This gives you that constant supply and keeps your body in that fat burning mode.
You can see the most recommended fat burners that do this the best in the link below:
And the ingredients in One XS Weight Loss?
Some good, but a lot of work is needed.
Although there are some good ingredients in this product. Quite a few of them are not up to standard.
A lot more fat burning ingredients are needed for this to really make a difference to your physique, take a look:
What’s good here?
- Caffeine – An effective stimulant known to promote metabolism energy levels and power output in the gym
- Green Coffee Bean – A nutrient that contains Chlorogenic acid a nutrient that cuts down glucose in your liver and tells your body to burn fat instead
- Guarana – Caffeinated Herb that may give you an extra energy spike
What’s not?
- Yohimbe – An appetite suppressant linked to several side effects in some individuals
- Garcinia Cambogia – A cactus extract thought to suppress appetite, unfortunately no studies have confirmed this
- Aloe Ferox – The South African plant that may speed up digestion, which can help with constipation, not fat burning
- L-Carnitine – Promotes energy and metabolism, however studies have shown you need 500 – 2500mg for it to be effective
Overall there are only 2 known fat burners in One XS, the caffeine and the green coffee bean.
The rest have been linked to side effects, have minor effects or simply ineffective.
Green Tea and Cayenne Pepper would’ve been good choices to spice up this supplement.
It’s one of the weaker nutrient profiles we’ve seen.
To learn more about what you should be looking for in a fat burner, hit the link below to see our top rated ingredients:
The Best Fat Burner Ingredients
Is it safe, are there side effects?
The biggest risk here is with the Yohimbe. Although thought to help suppress appetite, this nutrient has led to the following side effects in some users:
- Nausea
- Anxiety
- Hypertension
- Gastrointestinal Distress
All things you don’t want while cutting fat.
The Pros and Cons
- Contains Green Coffee Bean and Caffeine
- May cause side effects
- Missing core ingredients
- Some ineffective Ingredients
Is there anything better out there?
There is.
Having looked at the market’s full range of fat burners we now know the best that deliver:
- Calorie Burning
- Energy Boosting
- Appetite Suppression
And we’ve narrowed it down to a simple shortlist. To see what we recommend, check out your options in the link below:
One XS Weight Loss Review Conclusion
On the whole, this isn’t the best fat burning tool on the market and there are several reasons why.
This is what you need to know:
- Potential Side Effects – Yohimbe linked to a range of problems
- Missing Core Nutrients – Not enough effective ingredients
- Ineffective ingredients – A lot of nutrients here lack clinical backing
Needless to say, you can do better elsewhere.
If you want to see what we’re recommending at the moment, check out our current #1 below:
Instant Knockout is by far the best fat burner we've seen on the market.
It is the top choice for:
- Burning Fat
- Increasing Energy
- Appetite Control
- Having that sculpted body
If you want to burn fat fast you need to read our review.