A product by Beautiful Once Again
Our Verdict:
Review: What does Forskolin Get Skinny do?
Brought to us by Beautiful Once Again, we review Forskolin Get Skinny. Claimed to help:
- Accelerate Weight Loss
- Burn Belly Fat
- Trim Waistline
We take a closer look at this product to see if it really delivers on Beautiful Once Again’s claims.
Studying the servings, ingredients and science behind this product, we were shocked at what we found. Take a look:
Are the servings good?
They need work.
With only 2 a day there’s only so much benefit you can get from a product like Forskolin Get Skinny.
To truly burn fat throughout the day, you need a product that delivers 3 – 4 servings per day. This gives your body that constant supply of nutrients to keep burning calories, while keeping your energy levels up.
We’ve made a shortlist of the fat burners that do this the best, you can check them out and why they work by hitting the button below:
And the Ingredients in Forskolin Get Skinny?
The worst.
They only have one ingredients – Forskolin, and there hasn’t been any proof for that working in clinical studies.
Take a look:
About Forskolin (Coleus Forskohlii)
As this entire product is entirely this nutrient, we’re going to lay out exactly what you need to know about it.
It’s under-studied and over-hyped…
There are 2 studies where Coleus Forskohlii has been used on its own to monitor how it effects fat loss, and how it effects weight loss. Both were ran for 12 weeks with participants taking 250mg of Coleus Forskohlii twice a day.
Here’s what was found:
Study #1
An all women study of 2 groups, one taking Coleus Forskholii, and another not.
The CF group believed they had less fatigue, hunger and just generally felt more full in themselves. They thought their appetite had dropped and they had lost weight.
The Results: In actuality, no significant fat loss was made to either group over the 12 week period. Nothing had changed with or without the Forskholii.
Study #2
A very similar study that used men instead of women. Both took the the same amount, both lasted 12 weeks, and both had a placebo group.
The Results: Pretty much the same. There was no significant difference in weight loss in either group taking, or not taking the CF. It’s a poor fat burning nutrient.
[1] Henderson S, Magu B, Rasmussen C, et al. Effects of Coleus Forskohlii Supplementation on Body Composition and Hematological Profiles in Mildly Overweight Women. Journal of the International Society of Sports Nutrition. 2005;2(2):54-62. doi:10.1186/1550-2783-2-2-54.
[2] Godard M.P., Johnson B.A., Richmond S.R. Body composition and hormonal adaptations associated with forskolin consumption in overweight and obese men. Obes Res. 2005;13:1335–1343.

As you can tell, we’ve never been fans or Coleus Forskholii/Forskolin. Forskolin Get Skinny is missing so many core nutrients from this fat burner it’s insane.
They need a potent thermogenic profile (calorie burners), energy boosters and a good range of appetite suppressants to really make this work.
This product is just selling false hope rather than results.
If you want to know more about what you should be looking for when selecting a fat burner, check out our top ingredients by hitting the button below:
The Best Fat Burner Ingredients
Is it Safe, are there Side Effects?
There have been no side effects reported with Forskolin Get Skinny.
The Pros and Cons
- No Side Effects
- Contains only one ingredient, and it doesn’t work
- Servings could be improved
- No thermogenics, energy boosters or appetite suppressants
Is there anything better out there?
We’ve looked all over the market and found the fat burners that best promote:
- Calorie Burning
- Energy Boosting
- Appetite Suppression
And now we’ve got it down to a shortlist.
To see what we recommend all our readers to reach their goal physique, check out our top 3 below:
Forskolin Get Skinny Review Conclusion
On the whole, this is a pretty poor performing fat burner.
If you’re considering getting this to help cut down the fat or lose weight, this is what you need to know:
- Only contains Coleus Forskohlii – An ineffective faux-appetite suppressant
- Servings could be improved – There’s only 2 a day, 3 or 4 would be best
- Missing core fat burning profile – Contains no thermogenics, energy boosters or appetite suppressants.
There are definitely better options out there.
To see what we’re recommending and what has had the best results for our readers, check out our review of our current #1 Fat Burner.
It’s by far the safest and most effective we’ve come across, you can read more about it below:
Instant Knockout is by far the best fat burner we've seen on the market.
It is the top choice for:
- Burning Fat
- Increasing Energy
- Appetite Control
- Having that sculpted body
If you want to burn fat fast you need to read our review.