A product by HERdiet
Our Verdict:
Review: What does HERdiet Weight Loss do?
From the supplement company HERdiet, the simply named ‘Weight Loss’ is a fat burner claimed to promote:
- Lose weight
- Cut body fat
- Safe to use
But how safe and effective is it?
We’ve reviewed this product in its entirety and we’re not so convinced it’s as good as HERdiet makes out.
Having looked closely at the servings, ingredients and science behind this product, this is what we found:
Are the servings good?
They need work.
With only 2 a day, there’s only so much benefit you can expect to get from this fat burner. To constantly burn calories, your body needs a regular supply of nutrients to keep you burning and leaning out.
Ideally you want something that provides you with around 3 – 4 servings a day. This ensures that you receive a regular supply and that you’re constantly burning calories.
You can see the fat burners that do this the best by checking out our shortlist of the best ones on the market below:
And the ingredients in HERdiet Weight Loss?
Not great.
The first problem is that it all comes wrapped in a proprietary blend. This means we don’t know how much is being used or how effective it will be on the whole.
And the choice of the ingredients are also a problem. With several ingredients being ineffective, and a couple risking side effects, this isn’t the best product we’ve seen.
Here’s what you need to know:
What’s good here?
- 1,3,7 Trimethylaxanthine (Caffeine) – Reliable stimulant that promotes energy, metabolism and power output
- N-dimethyl-4-hydroxyphenylethylamine (Hordenine) – May promote the fat burning hormone norepinephrine
- Theobromine Anhydrous – Found in coca extract and may promote circulation
What’s not?
- Beta-Phenylethylamine – Thought to promote the happiness hormones serotonin, but is broken down too quickly to be effective
- Syneprhine – An ineffective fat burner that has been linked to multiple side effects when combined with caffeine
- Schizandrol A – A berry extract thought to reduce anxiety, there are limited and unreliable studies supporting it
- 5-Hydroxytriptophan (5-HTP) – May increase serotonin but unreliable
- Yohimbine – Thought to promote appetite suppression but can cause side effects in the process
Overall, despite the more technical names HERdiet uses in these ingredients – this is just a poor, ineffective fat burner. The only real working ingredient here is the caffeine.
And there’s synephrine in here too, which will cause side effects with the caffeine.
There are no thermogenics, appetite suppressants and caffeine is the only energy booster. Also factor in that is a proprietary blend so we don’t know how much we’re getting of each ingredient.
It’s not looking good.
We’ve compiled a list of the ingredients that you should be looking for in a fat burner. You can check them out by hitting the button below:
The Best Fat Burner Ingredients
Is it safe, are there side effects?
Synephrine is your main problem here.
Combined with caffeine, this nutrient has been seen to cause problems such as:
- Headaches
- Nausea
- Raised Heart Rate
- Increased Risk of High Blood Pressure
- Light Headedness
Yohimbine on the other hand
Definitely not what you’re looking for in a fat burner.
The Pros and Cons
- Contains Caffeine
- Proprietary Blend
- Poor Ingredients
- Servings need improving
- Risk of Side Effects
Is there anything better out there?
Yes there is.
We’ve taken a good look on the market for the fat burners that help women with:
- Calorie Burning
- Energy Boosting
- Appetite Suppression
And we finally have our shortlist.
To see what we recommend our readers, you can check out our most trusted fat burners by clicking the button below:
HERdiet Weight Loss Review Conclusion
On the whole a lot more work needs to be done to this product before you even consider using it.
If you are thinking about buying HERdiet Weight Loss, these are the key facts you need to know:
- Servings need work – With only 2 a day, more need to be included in this fat burner for it to have the full effects
- Proprietary Blends – We don’t know how much of each ingredient is being used, or how effective it will be
- Poor Ingredients – Caffeine is the only effective ingredient her
- Risk of Side Effects – Synephrine has been known to cause a range of problems when mixed with caffeine, as has the yohimbe
As you can see, a lot more work still needs to be done on this product.
For the best fat burner on the market at the moment, check out the review of our current #1 in the link below:
Instant Knockout is by far the best fat burner we've seen on the market.
It is the top choice for:
- Burning Fat
- Increasing Energy
- Appetite Control
- Having that sculpted body
If you want to burn fat fast you need to read our review.