A product by GymVixen
Review: What does GymVixen Sexy Ripped do?
Made by GymVixen, Sexy Ripped is a natural fat burner that is claimed to:
- Burn Fat
- Enhance Mood
- Increase Energy
But how well does it really work?
In this review, we take a look at the science, servings and potential side effects associated with GymVixen to see if it really is up to industry standard.
This is what we’ve found:
Are the Servings good?
They could be better.
With only 2 servings a day, there’s only so much benefit you can expect to get out of GymVixen’s Sexy Ripped.
The problem is that your body needs multiple servings throughout the day to see the best results. This is so your body can burn fat round the clock and give you faster results.
Ideally you want 3 – 4 servings per day this allows you to get a constant supply of the nutrients you need throughout the day, and keep burning that fat.
P.S.: There’s only a few fat burners out there that will give you the combination of constant servings, and excellent fat burning ingredients. We’ve compiled a list of our most trusted fat burners, and you can check them out in the link below:
And the ingredients in GymVixen’s Sexy Ripped?
The nutrient profile here isn’t great.
A lot of the ingredients in Sexy Ripped lack the clinical backing for us to vouch for it as effectivre.
There are one or two good ingredients, some that are unknown and others that can cause side effects.
This is what you need to know:
What’s Good?
- Caffeine Anhydrous – A good natural stimulant. Caffiene has been seen to raise energy levels, metabolism and overall power output in the gym.
- White Willow Bark – Has been seen on some occasions to reduce headaches, this may help if you are not used to this level of caffeine.
What’s not?
- Citrus Aurantium – Also known as Bitter Orange Extract/Synephrine, an ineffective fat burner which has been in some users to cause unwanted side effects
- Garcinia Cambogia – Once thought to work as an appetite suppressant, clinical studies proved otherwise. Garcinia Cambogia has failed numerous studies when it comes to appetite suppression.
- Aniracetam – Thought to reduce depression and anxiety, but there are no human studies.
- Phenylethylamine (PEA) – Seen in some studies to promote the ‘happy hormones’ like dopamine and serotonin, however, studies have shown oral supplementation of this nutrient is broken down too quickly for any real effect.
- ThermoDiamine (Evodiamine) – Increases warmth in the body, but has not been proven to be thermogenic like it’s marketing implies – it may not have any positive effects.
On the whole this isn’t the best nutrient profile we’ve seen, not by a long shot.
Only the caffeine and the White Willow Bark will have any effect here and neither of them burn fat! Add on to that the lack of credible nutrients, and the side effects from the Citrus Aurantium and it’s definitely not looking good for GymVixen’s fat burner.
You can do better.
For the best results, you need to know which ingredients work and which ones don’t. We compiled a list of the best fat burning ingredients, you can check them out in the link below:
The Best Fat Burner Ingredients
Is it Safe, are there Side Effects?
The main thing you should be worried about in Sexy Ripped is the Citrus Aurantium.
Also known as Bitter Orange Extract, this nutrient is known to cause a series of side effects when combined with caffeine.
Reports include:
- Headaches
- Nausea
- Raised Blood Pressure
- Increased Risk of Heart Palpatations
- Jitters
- and More
If you find yourself already sensitive to caffeine, it’s best that you avoid this product.
The Pros and Cons
- Contains Caffeine
- Servings need improvement
- A lot of ineffective ingredients
- Potential side effects
Is there anything better out there?
There is.
We’ve studied the majority of the fat burners out on the market, and we’ve found the best that promote:
- Calorie Burning
- Energy Boosting
- Appetite Suppression
And we’ve narrowed it down to just three products.
To learn more about these fat burners, and why they’re great for fat loss, you can check out the full list by clicking below:
GymVixen Sexy Ripped Review Conclusion
To conclude this review, it’s pretty clear that Sexy Ripped isn’t the best fat burner out there.
If you’re considering GymVixen, this is what you need to know:
- Servings need improvement – 2 servings a day isn’t enough for fast results
- Ineffective ingredients – Many of the nutrients use lack the proper clinical backing
- Potential side effects – Bitter Orange Extract has been seen to cause numerous problems in users
There are better options out there.
To see what our readers have had the best results with, check out our current top rated fat burner in the link below:
Instant Knockout is by far the best fat burner we've seen on the market.
It is the top choice for:
- Burning Fat
- Increasing Energy
- Appetite Control
- Having that sculpted body
If you want to burn fat fast you need to read our review.